Sunday, December 13, 2009

There is something I have been mum about

I mentioned a couple of posts back that I hadn't knit a stitch since moving down from Sydney.  That has been rectified - I have cast on for Ailsa's socks.
There has been a good reason for my lack of knitting:

Yep, that's right!  Three (is it wrong to call your unborn child a number?) will be joining us in June, all things going well.

I have been very, very sick and unable to do anything except the very basics of child rearing and laying about on the couch.  It hasn't been easy with Soldier deployed, but I am happy to say that I am on the other side of the morning sickness hill and I am feeling great now.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Indian Summer

My first instalment of the Indian Summer Yarn Club by the wonderful Knitabulous arrived in my mailbox this morning.

I have been eagerly awaiting it's arrival!

The yarn is gorgeous, and the colour couldn't be more perfect for me.  Blue-greens being my favourite colours.

I think I was very restrained in not eating the chocolate or immediately brewing up that wonderful Chai teabag that was in the box.  Having said that the chocolate is in my mouth as I type.  Mmmmmm.

I think I will go and spend what is left of the rest of the night on the couch with some needles.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

I'm Baaack!!

Things that have happened since we last spoke:
  1. We have moved states, just to the next one down,
  2. We love our new house, it has tiles instead of 30 year old vinyl on the floors and - get this - a window in the bathroom,
  3. We have unpacked a huge number of boxes, and complained that we have too much stuff,
  4. Soldier discovered the extent of my sock yarn stash, I guess telling him not to open that box was like waving a red flag at a bull,
  5. Soldier has been deployed, to somewhere he hasn't been before,
  6. The Boy has learned eleventy billion new words, his current fav is 'juice'
  7. I haven't knit one single stitch since I left Sydney,
  8. I turned 30 and found my first grey hair on the same day, but had a fabulous day otherwise,
  9. I have become excited about the upcoming changes around here,
  10. I found an excuse to buy a new front loading washing machine (the laundry is too small for our very large old washing maching),
  11. I have yet to discover just what other Melbournites (is that even what you call people who live here?) do with their rubbish, the wheelie bin is so tiny, like it should be in a dolls house,
And lots of other stuff that is just too mundane to list.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Be warned:  This post is full of whinging.

This is me at the moment.

  1. Tomorrow I will have some men in my house boxing up all my stuff and then the next day they will come back and put it all in a truck and drive away with it,
  2. Defence Housing keep moving our move in date, and we still haven't heard from them in regards to our welcome visit,
  3. I came into the kitchen this morning to find the floor covered in water, I don't know where it came from because the usual suspect (the dishwasher) wasn't put on last night,
  4. I have run out of boxes and I will have to pack like a maniac tomorrow whilst trying to wrangle two smalls and direct the strange men,
  5. Soldier commented the other day that the preparations for his upcoming deployment are going better than the preparations for our move.  If you know anything about the Army, then you will know that is saying something,
  6. I am feeling guilty about throwing out so much food, but the movers won't move it and no-one else wants it,
  7. I have heaps of cleaning that needs to be done, and all I want to do is knit.
  8. I am sick of hearing myself whinge about all of the above, but I can't stop myself. 
  9. I will be without internet until we are in our new house and we can convince our provider that we need it.  So behave yourselves while I am away and I will see you on the flip side!

Saturday, October 17, 2009


I have a four year old living in my house!  How did that happen?  It feels like only yesterday she looked like this:


Happy Birthday Noo!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Conversations with a nearly four year old.

Noo will be four on Friday.  We were discussing this at the dinner table last night.  The conversation went like this:

Me:  You know it's your birthday on Friday?
Noo: Yeah
Soldier:  How old will you be?
Noo: Four!
Soldier:  How old is The Boy?
Noo:  One!
Noo (to Soldier and I):  You have numbers??
Soldier and I: hahahahahahaha, yes we have numbers!

Try keeping a straight face with that one!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Finished Object: Green Goddess Socks

I finished the Green Goddess socks yesterday.  When I showed them to Soldier and asked him what he thought he looked at them and told me that "they looked the same".  "The same as what", I asked him.  "As each other".  Errr, isn't that the point??


PatternGreen Goddess by Nancy Whitman
YarnKnitabulous Softsock in Baby Chick
Needles:  80cm, 2.25mm Harmony Circular
Modifications:  Knit toe-up, basically just used the chart
Verdict:  Love, love, love!!!  I think I will knit them again with a right leaning increase instead of the yarn over.


Sunday, October 11, 2009

Mini Sock Club Challenge

I have three pairs of socks on the needles at the moment, in various stages of completion.

Firstly, Twists and Ribs Socks by Lisa Rosen.

I have completed both cuffs and now have to start on the heel flap and turn.

Next up we have Green Goddess Socks by Nancy Whitman.

One sock is complete and I have two patterns repeats and the ribbing to go to finish them off.

Lastly, Sydney by Janice Kang.

One sock completed.

I am setting myself a new challenge for the rest of the year, seeing that I am not going to reach my original goal of twelve pairs.  I want to finish these socks by November 30th.  That would make nine pairs for the year.

Why November 30?  Because I have signed up for Knitabulous' Yarn Club which starts in December with some sock yarn and a surprise pattern.  I want to have these three pairs out of the way so I can cast on as soon as the postie leaves me a parcel!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Garden is done!

The garden has been tamed!  

You all knew that when I said 'we have to tackle the garden tomorrow' I actually meant, 'Soldier has to tackle the garden tomorrow, while I admire the results' didn't you.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Two weeks? Really?

Two weeks tomorrow I will be living in Melbourne!  It is really starting to sink in now.  I guess having a house partly dismantled and full of boxes can make the situation real.
I am starting to resent the packing and the cleaning that I have been doing and still have to do.  It is taking away from my knitting time.
And let me just tell you that packing with two smalls unpacking behind you is a lot of fun!  Haha.
We have to tackle the garden tomorrow.  We aren't gardeners.  It is all I can do to get Soldier to mow the lawn once a month (when he is home).  So the garden is going to be a huge job.  We have weeds in the garden beds as tall as I am.  I just hope it isn't raining.
I am looking forward to moving though.  There is nothing like exploring a new city.
The defence house we have been allocated looks pretty good, and I am sure we will be happy there.
In other news, I have fallen way behind on my Personal Sock Club.  I wanted to have nine pairs done by now.  I only have six pairs completed and three others on the needles.  I have to admit defeat, because I am not going to get any real knitting time in between now and when we fly out, and I don't think I will be able to complete six pairs in November and December.  

Oh well, such is life!

Well, back to the packing!  

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


We have been on a very short trip to Adelaide to witness one of Soldier's friends get married.

It was a beautiful wedding. Very small and lovely. The Bride has three children already and my favourite part of the ceremony was when the Groom gathered together his Bride and the three children and spoke to them. We don't know what was said, but it was a wonderful moment. I think not knowing what was said added to the wonder.

The kids behaved themselves. The Boy was asleep in the pram by eight o'clock, and Noo found a piano and curled up underneath and went to sleep about an hour later.

The entire weekend wasn't as nice though. We flew down on Friday and checked into the motel, and then the choas started. Let me just say that Friday and most of Saturday was filled with vomit and other things that you don't talk about in polite conversation. Everyone but Soldier was affected.
We were all nicely recovered for the wedding on Saturday night though.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Eerie but Beautiful

There are a lot of photos of the dust storm that came over Sydney yesterday all over the internet. Here are a couple that I took yesterday as the sun was rising.

Friday, September 18, 2009

A step back.....

I have a lot on my plate at the moment and a lot of changes around the corner. All of which it seems, I am going to have to deal with on my own. Soldier is to be deployed again for a short stint.

With that in mind I am going to take a step back from all things internets and make a start on it all.

Plus I am not really in the right headspace for much blogging at the moment.

Behave yourselves while I am away!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

new from old

I am supposed to be cleaning for a house inspection tomorrow, but instead I will show you what I was doing this afternoon when I was supposed to be cleaning for a house inspection tomorrow.

Noo has a lot of crayons. Lots and lots of broken crayons, that she wont use because, well, they are broken. So I sorted the broken crayons into
colour groups and put them in patty cases in an old muffin tin.

Then I put them in a 180 degree oven for about 10 minutes, or until they are melted. This is what they looked like when I pulled them out,

and after a little stir.

Then I let them cool down and little and threw them in the freezer.

Now Noo has crayons that she will use. Until she breaks one, that is!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Broken Record!

Here is a list of things that come out of my mouth (and probably every other Mother's mouth) at least a dozen times each. Every. Single. Day!

  1. Please get off your brother's head.
  2. Did you flushed the toilet?
  3. Stop giving things to the dog through the hole in the screen door.
  4. Get out of the drawer.
  5. Play nicely, you two!
  6. Shut the fridge.
  7. No, I don't know what that smell is.
  8. Stop throwing your food on the floor.
  9. No, it isn't breakfast/lunch/dinner time yet.
  10. Don't feed the cat.
  11. Get out of the bin!
  12. It's water, or nothing!
  13. Get your elbows out of me!
I am considering recording myself saying these things, so I can leave it playing in the background. Either that, or, I will wait until their Father gets home and then pretend that I have lost the power of speech!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Look, look!!

I know I have to be the last sock knitter in the world to have this, but look what I have finally gotten my hands on:

It is right up my alley. I have been a fan of Cookie's forever. I especially love the first part of the book, where the process of designing a sock is spelled out. I have wanted to design a sock of my very own (I have tried and failed miserably) and this might give me the confidence and know-how to do it.

I can see a pair of Sunshines, Kai-Meis, and Ricks in my sock drawer (that is if I had a sock drawer). Who am I kidding? I would love to knit most of the designs.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Wow! What a week.

I have had a very busy week.

The Thursday before last I stayed up late waiting for Mum and Little Sister, who somehow managed to get themselves lost on the way from the airport to my place.

The next day we took ourselves off to see P!nk again. We had the best seats in the place. I really don't think we could have done any better. She was even better second time around too. I admit to a little crush!

Mum went home on Sunday.

Then on Tuesday, Little Sister, Noo, The Boy and myself boarded a aeroplane to the Gold Coast. Where we spent two sun-filled days at Dreamworld and White Water World. We also caught up with our cousin, whom I haven't seen for three years. She hadn't met my youngest and I hadn't met hers.

On Saturday Mum, Dad and Nana arrived from North Queensland and last night we went and saw John Farnham perform. Little Sister and I bought Mum tickets for her birthday in July. We had a great time and I can honestly say that the only thing he has lost is some of his hair.

Today we waved them all good-bye and I have my house back! No-one sleeping on the couch, and no suitcases everywhere. I love having visitors, but they really do disrupt your routine.

On another note, I have started the purple socks for Little Sister's friend. But there has been little time for knitting, so I have only managed to knit about two dozen rows on both cuffs. I am enjoying the pattern and they are looking really good.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

On Hold

All Personal Sock Club socks are currently on hold.

A very good friend of my sister has been diagnosed with breast cancer at just 31 years old.

So I will be knitting her a pair of purple socks, using this stuff from Ailsa at Knitabulous Yarn.

Sorry about the crappy photo. This yarn is beautiful, but so very hard to photograph!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Crazy Town!

Things are a little crazy around here at the moment.

Soldier was home for a mid course break for the weekend.

The Boy is teething and generally in a bad mood, hitting the cat, his sister, the toys, you get the picture.

Noo is very clingly and missing her Daddy. Sometimes I think it is easier on everyone if Soldier doesn't come home mid course. We just get used to the new normal without him around all the time and then he comes home. Then when he leaves again we have to go through it all again.

The dog has returned from a week of roaming the streets and a few days at the pound. He now has kennel cough and is generally miserable.

The cat has decided that the time is right to start adding to the chaos by clawing at the furniture and the screen doors.

I think I am the only sane being around here at the moment. Let's see how long that lasts.

On a brighter note, I am nearly done with the first Green Goddess sock and loving it. Such a great pattern. Without Soldier around I have hours of uninterupted knitting time on the couch after the kids go to bed. So it should be done in the next few days.

Hopefully, I will eventually get back on track with the Personal Sock Club.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Personal Sock Club 2009 - May!

The socks for May have been completed for a week now. I haven't shown them to you because I cannot get a decent photo of them. I have decided to bite the bullet and just show you my crappy photograpy skills.

Pattern: No pattern, knit toe up with short row heels. 3x1 ribbing at the top.
Yarn: One Fat Slug, this yarn didn't have a name.

Needles: 2.5mm knitpicks circular. That was until I managed to remove both tips and render them useless. Finished with Harmony dpns.

According to Ravelry I started these on May 10th and finished them on August 11th. I just couldn't keep knitting them. They were driving me to distraction. Just so boring. Knit, knit, knit all the way around, for row after row.

I tried two new techniques with this pair. A new cast on and a new heel.

I used this cast on. I love it. I have used it on both of the other socks I have cast on since. It can be a little fiddly to begin with, but when I pair it with KRL and KLL increases it makes for a very neat toe.

The heel I used was a short row heel. I had never done one before, but I knew how to do it because I have used short rows for toes in the past. This wasn't as successful as the new cast on. I just cannot get past the bunching at the front of the ankle. It looks like I need heel flaps to make the sock fit snuggly.

I thought that the socks were a little long in the foot. But after looking at them, I don't think that is the case. I think that there is a problem with the ribbing at the top and they aren't staying up. Because of the short row heel the sock seems to slide down the foot. I think I may undo the cast off and pull out the ribbing and try again with a 1x1 rib.

To date these are my most unsuccessful socks. I have worn them exactly one time. They are annoying to wear because I have to pull them up all the time.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

What's This??

Playing outside with bare arms and legs? In mid August? In south-western Sydney? Really?

Well it seems to be true. Apparently it got up to 25 degrees here today. It is actually warmer outside than it is inside for a change.

Yes, that is how long my lawn gets when my resident lawnmower is out of town. It has five more weeks to grow before he is home, so it will get a lot longer.

I have a finished sock to show you too, but I cannot get a decent photo of them. They just won't co-operate. Don't you hate that!

Anyhoo, I am off to spend somemore time outside with the smalls before it starts to get chilly again.

I hope everyone is having a lovely Sunday!

Monday, August 3, 2009

It is official!

We have the posting order in our hot little hands, access to the Army's housing site and instructions on how to submit our house inventory to the removal company.

It is official, we are on our way to Melbourne in a few short months. To stay for a least three years.

The last three years have gone by so very fast.

I have to pack an entire house, by myself because Soldier is away on course for the next couple of months and then on maintenance trips until we are ready to pack the car and drive to Melbourne. I am not looking forward to that.

I have to organise to have the animals temporarily housed and then transported to our new home.

I have to declutter and reorganise the house, so it is easier to pack.

I have to say goodbye to familiar streets and wonderful friends.

I am excited. I expect that to wane in the next few months as we pack up and I get bogged down in the small details that are required to pack up and move the family to a whole other state.

Watch out Melbourne, here comes the HoneyBees!!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

What is wrong with this picture?

This photo was taken after I had taken the other sock off the cable and onto some dpns. I don't usually like dpns but the Knitpick Harmony needles I am using at the moment might just entice me to the other side.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

A little surprise!

Last Saturday at 3.30am, Soldier and I dragged our tired bodies out of bed, packed the car with a suitcase and two small, sleepy children and drove to the airport. We were on our way to surprise my Mum who had just has a significant birthday - you know, one that ends in a zero.

I love surprising people! I get such a kick out of it. My Mum is my favourite person to surprise though, because she reacts so well, and is so very happy and grateful to see us.

Little Sister and I had decided to throw her a surprise party. Mum doesn't like us to make a fuss so we decided to make it small barbeque. There were about twenty people freezing their butts off in the North Queensland winter on my parents back deck. I truely think that it was warmer at home in Sydney on Saturday night.

We had such a good night and I think that everyone who made it did too.

We stayed for the weekend and flew home on Monday evening. Unfortunately our children were those children on the flights home. You know the ones who disrupt the entire plane. They were the ones who were screaming and fighting with their siblings, the one who were kicking the seat in front of them, the ones throwing their toys and refusing to sleep, and Soldier and I were the frazzled parents trying to make them behave.

After the flight from hell, we boarded the bus to the long term car park to collect our car. I was certain I knew where we had parked it. We hopped off the bus and strode purposefully towards where we thought the car was, only to find that it wasn't there. Then ensued some general wandering about and the thought that our car had been stolen.

After about fifteen minutes of this craziness, Soldier had the bright idea to get out the keys and start pushing the button to unlock to doors. More general wandering occurred and finally we spotted the indicators flashing at us. We were only off by about 8 rows.

Aren't we silly?

Monday, July 6, 2009


What do you think my favourite colour is??

Friday, July 3, 2009

Personal Sock Club 2009 - June!

I may not be a cardigan knitter, but I am definately a sock knitter.

Behold! June's socks for my Personal Sock Club 2009!

Pattern: Vinnland by Becca Compton
Yarn: HoneyBeeMine Sock Yarn - Marina
Needles: 2.5mm Knitpick fixed circular

These were knit two at a time, magic looped.

They took forever, and I don't know why. I cast on and knit with a vengence until I got to the gusset increases and then it all came to a grinding halt. It took me nearly three weeks to knit half of the increases and turn the heel/knit the heel flap.

It didn't help that I completely screwed up knitting the heel flap the first time and had to pull it out and start again. Once I had that all sorted it only took me another two days to knit the cuffs. So they really should have been finished weeks ago.

They are really snug and require a lot of pulling to get them over my heels, and once they are on don't ask me to take them off in a hurry. Although they are very comfortable to wear and I am very enamoured with the colour.

This month's socks are going to be Brigit and I am using Knitabulous Soft Sock in Baby Chick.
I have already started and so far I am very happy!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

What I want.

Have you ever wanted to be something you are not?? Silly question. I am sure everyone has.

I want to be a cardigan knitter. An adult cardigan knitter to be exact. I really want to be able to wear a knitted by me, cardigan, but I just can't make it happen.

During the past few weeks I have cast on for no less than three cardigans for myself. I knit for an inch or so and then I get utterly bored. So very, very bored.

I don't know what it is. Maybe it is the nearly never ending stockinette, or the sheer size of an adult garment, or maybe I just haven't found the perfect cardi that holds my teeny tiny attention span for longer than an hour.

Perhaps, I just need to bite the bullet and admit that I will never be a cardigan knitter and get over it.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

He is home!!

My knitting mojo has found it in his heart to return to me!

Pattern: Fetching by Cheryl Niamath
Yarn: Patons Australia Soft Haze
Needles: 3.5mm KnitPicks Options
Verdict: Love, love love.

Like most others, I have added length in both the wrist and the fingers.

I am one of 11,406 people to cast on this project, but I don't care, because he is HOME!!

Monday, June 15, 2009

This Week....

Back by popular demand (Hi Miss Fee!!)

This week I have....

  1. spent a wonderful afternoon in the company of about 80 knitters at Darling Harbour, celebrating World Wide Knit In Public Day,
  2. kicked myself because I am a dill and didn't take my camera to WWKIP Day, so I have no photos,
  3. Sung until my throat was sore and my voice nearly gone at the P!nk concert with Little Sister,
  4. gone to Wollongong to see the Cowboys play the Dragons,
  5. not been very happy when outcome wasn't what I wanted. Dragons 32, Cowboys 18 :(,
  6. maybe, just maybe found my knitting mojo,
  7. watched as The Boy has learned how to climb on the couch, the ottoman, the TV cabinet, (insert any high surface here),
  8. wondered how Soldier managed to keep the house clean while I was out on Saturday, when I can't do it on a day to day basis,
  9. looked into booking a snow holiday, and
  10. looked forward to joining a new knitting group tomorrow.

Sunday, June 7, 2009


Getting ready to go and see P!nk.

Taking my new shoes and my Pollys along for the ride.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

I'm still looking....

....for my knitting mojo. Do you think these will encourage him to come home?

The top one is baby chick and the bottom one is minted. I am in love!! They are so beautiful, especially the yellow one.

Thanks Ailsa!

Saturday, May 23, 2009


The Boy had a birthday yesterday.....his first!!
So we had a party today.....also his first!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Quite possibly the best no-knead bread ever!!

I have found the what I think is the best and easiest no-knead bread recipe. If you want to throw the ingredients - all four of them - into a bowl and mix, then this is the one for you.

It does take some time though, you have to allow it to rise for twelve hours, knock it down and let it rise again for another two, but really the whole process takes you about three minutes, the rest is just patience.

This is an American recipe and because their cup is smaller than ours, I had to do a little maths - not scary maths - to work out what the correct measurements were. After some research I came to the conclusion that most people believe an American cup of white flour weighs approximately 150g, their cup is 240mL instead of our 250mL, and there is not much difference between our teaspoon - well not enough for me to worry about it.

Armed with this knowledge I decided I needed:

600g white flour (I am sure you could use a combination of flours)
1/4 teaspoon yeast

1 1/4 teaspoon salt
480 mL tepid water

You basically throw the ingredients into a bowl in the above order, stir,

cover and let rise for twelve hours.

I left mine overnight.

This morning I scraped it out of the bowl, knocked it down, folded it in thirds and dropped it fold side down into a bread pan that I sprayed liberely with oil.

Then leave it to rise for another two hours.

Chuck it in a 220 degree oven for about 35-45 minutes and let it do it's thing.

Cut, slather with butter and enjoy!!

See? I told you it was easy.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

This Week....

This week I have......

  1. turned the heater on, turned the heater off, turned the heater on.....I wish the weather would make up its mind,
  2. waited patiently (not) for the two hour finale of Grey's Anatomy....only one sleep,
  3. decided on a cake for The Boy's birthday, which is only eight days away...eeek,
  4. not been able to work out what to get my Dad for his birthday which is the same day as The Boy's,
  5. found out that Soldier will be allowed to fly home for the weekend of The Boy's birthday,
  6. tried to keep the house tidy, given up and decided to never tidy again until the kids leave home,
  7. celebrated my first Mother's Day as a mother of two,
  8. replaced my Diet Coke habit with a chai tea habit,
  9. realised that Diet Coke is probably better for me, especially since I have my tea with two sugars,
  10. still not found my knitting mojo.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

If found, please return to....

I seems that my Knitting Mojo has up and left home. My May socks - which are now a plain pair, because I can't cable - are in serious danger of never getting finished.

Not even the call of gorgeous yarn from here is enough to entice him home.

Lavender Infusion

Blueberry Crush

If anyone finds him, could you please smack his bum and send him home. I am kind of attached to him.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

This Week....

This week I have.....

  1. enjoyed the slightly warmer weather with the kiddos at the park,
  2. spent many hours working out budgets and balancing the bank accounts,
  3. not knit nearly enough,
  4. worked on something special for my Mother's big birthday in July,
  5. pulled out my sewing machine,
  6. finally got the internet to work on my phone,
  7. discovered that the body shop is selling my favourite scent, vanilla, for a limited time, after discontinuing it a while ago,
  8. bought two bottles of above, and
  9. thought about buying a crock pot for yummy winter food.
What have you done this week??

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

April's Socks

The Polly Jeans are done. I actually finished them a few days ago, but it has been so busy around here with Soldier being away that I haven't had time to get to the computer. I don't know how single parents do it!

Anyway here they are:

Pattern: Polly Jean by MJ Kim
Yarn: Patons Patonyle that I dyed with food colouring, I originally named it Cool as a Cucumber, but when I pulled it out when I had coffee with Donna she exclaimed that it was an Alien Green.
Needles: 2.5mm KP Circular Needle

These were knitted cuff down and the pattern allows you to decide whether you want to make a matching pair or a mirrored pair.

I went with the mirrored, so I knit them one at a time (not my preferred way) so I didn't get the pattern confused. Having actually knit them now, I don't think knitting them at the same time would have been a problem because it was really easy to see what I should be doing by looking at the row before.

One sock is more yellow than green and the other more green than yellow, but I think I can live with that.

I do have issues taking decent photos of my finished socks, but not to fear, it has been remedied as I will have my hands on some sock blockers from across the ditch in a few days.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Personal Sock Club 2009

Well it is the first of the month, and that means it is time for a new 'shipment' for the personal sock club.

And here it is.....

It's a lovely yarn from Kate over at Two Little Banshees. It is one of four skeins that Mum and Dad bought me for my birthday last year. You will have seen one of them before. I hope that it will grow up into a pair of Window Pane Socks. It seems that I am all about the twisted stitch at the moment.

Now I just need to finish the Polly Jeans and I can get started. Nothing like a new shipment to light a fire under me.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

This Week....

This week I have......

  1. nursed two sick kiddos,
  2. turned the heater on,
  3. enjoyed a visit from Little Sister,
  4. had my new dining room table replaced....twice,
  5. turned the heel on the second Polly Jean,
  6. started looking at birthday cake recipes for The Boy's first birthday,
  7. dyed some yarn for a hat for Little Sister,
  8. continued to work through the terrible task of eating the Easter eggs,
  9. watched far too much reality TV,
  10. answered the eleventy-billion 'why?' questions that Noo has started throwing at me.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Sydney Aquarium

I love it when family comes to visit. I actually get out in the city and see some of the attractions.

Little Sister is visiting and yesterday we spent the day at Darling Harbour. We went to the Aquarium. Lots of fun.

We saw some teeny tiny seahorses.......

a dugong (looks a little ghostlike doesn't he).....

some loggerhead turtles.....

Nemo and his Dad, Marlin.....

and their friend Dory......

and some various sharks, rays, a saltwater crocodile, some jellyfish and a crazy amount of fish. I would have taken more photos but Noo had her cranky pants on and we had to rush through a few areas.

We learned how to tell a crocodile from an alligator, how to treat the different jellyfish stings, and just how hard it is to take photographs of moving underwater animals behind some very thick glass.

We came home exhausted.

I have to wave goodbye to Little Sister this afternoon.


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