Sunday, August 16, 2009

What's This??

Playing outside with bare arms and legs? In mid August? In south-western Sydney? Really?

Well it seems to be true. Apparently it got up to 25 degrees here today. It is actually warmer outside than it is inside for a change.

Yes, that is how long my lawn gets when my resident lawnmower is out of town. It has five more weeks to grow before he is home, so it will get a lot longer.

I have a finished sock to show you too, but I cannot get a decent photo of them. They just won't co-operate. Don't you hate that!

Anyhoo, I am off to spend somemore time outside with the smalls before it starts to get chilly again.

I hope everyone is having a lovely Sunday!


Melinda said...

Hasn't it been glorious weather? Good to see you're enjoying it!!


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