Monday, August 3, 2009

It is official!

We have the posting order in our hot little hands, access to the Army's housing site and instructions on how to submit our house inventory to the removal company.

It is official, we are on our way to Melbourne in a few short months. To stay for a least three years.

The last three years have gone by so very fast.

I have to pack an entire house, by myself because Soldier is away on course for the next couple of months and then on maintenance trips until we are ready to pack the car and drive to Melbourne. I am not looking forward to that.

I have to organise to have the animals temporarily housed and then transported to our new home.

I have to declutter and reorganise the house, so it is easier to pack.

I have to say goodbye to familiar streets and wonderful friends.

I am excited. I expect that to wane in the next few months as we pack up and I get bogged down in the small details that are required to pack up and move the family to a whole other state.

Watch out Melbourne, here comes the HoneyBees!!


sweetp said...

COngrats and all the best for your move

Bells said...

oh an exciting move! I can imagine the mixed feeligns though. And all that work to do on your own with little ones. Makes my brain hurt.


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