Saturday, September 12, 2009

Broken Record!

Here is a list of things that come out of my mouth (and probably every other Mother's mouth) at least a dozen times each. Every. Single. Day!

  1. Please get off your brother's head.
  2. Did you flushed the toilet?
  3. Stop giving things to the dog through the hole in the screen door.
  4. Get out of the drawer.
  5. Play nicely, you two!
  6. Shut the fridge.
  7. No, I don't know what that smell is.
  8. Stop throwing your food on the floor.
  9. No, it isn't breakfast/lunch/dinner time yet.
  10. Don't feed the cat.
  11. Get out of the bin!
  12. It's water, or nothing!
  13. Get your elbows out of me!
I am considering recording myself saying these things, so I can leave it playing in the background. Either that, or, I will wait until their Father gets home and then pretend that I have lost the power of speech!



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