Wednesday, July 1, 2009

What I want.

Have you ever wanted to be something you are not?? Silly question. I am sure everyone has.

I want to be a cardigan knitter. An adult cardigan knitter to be exact. I really want to be able to wear a knitted by me, cardigan, but I just can't make it happen.

During the past few weeks I have cast on for no less than three cardigans for myself. I knit for an inch or so and then I get utterly bored. So very, very bored.

I don't know what it is. Maybe it is the nearly never ending stockinette, or the sheer size of an adult garment, or maybe I just haven't found the perfect cardi that holds my teeny tiny attention span for longer than an hour.

Perhaps, I just need to bite the bullet and admit that I will never be a cardigan knitter and get over it.


Sarah said...

No no no! Find the right yarn and pattern combo and you can be a happy cardigan knitter I'm sure

Me said...

I want to be a sock knitter :(
Cardigan Knitter!

sweetp said...

Me too. I want to be a sock knitter. I can do sweaters but (the 2nd) sock just alludes me


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