Friday, October 9, 2009

Two weeks? Really?

Two weeks tomorrow I will be living in Melbourne!  It is really starting to sink in now.  I guess having a house partly dismantled and full of boxes can make the situation real.
I am starting to resent the packing and the cleaning that I have been doing and still have to do.  It is taking away from my knitting time.
And let me just tell you that packing with two smalls unpacking behind you is a lot of fun!  Haha.
We have to tackle the garden tomorrow.  We aren't gardeners.  It is all I can do to get Soldier to mow the lawn once a month (when he is home).  So the garden is going to be a huge job.  We have weeds in the garden beds as tall as I am.  I just hope it isn't raining.
I am looking forward to moving though.  There is nothing like exploring a new city.
The defence house we have been allocated looks pretty good, and I am sure we will be happy there.
In other news, I have fallen way behind on my Personal Sock Club.  I wanted to have nine pairs done by now.  I only have six pairs completed and three others on the needles.  I have to admit defeat, because I am not going to get any real knitting time in between now and when we fly out, and I don't think I will be able to complete six pairs in November and December.  

Oh well, such is life!

Well, back to the packing!  


Bells said...

it's just one of those miseries in life that we have to get through every now and then isn't it? I've not done it with toddlers, I reckon that sounds like double the misery!

Me said...

We will miss you :(

planettreasures said...

good luck with the move.
I guess that is the lot of an army family.

Susanne said...

Good luck with the packing and the moving, it would be harder with kids, I have trouble just packing toys away..they have to come straight back out again don't they!

Ange Moore said...

Good luck with the packing and the move - bugger that it disrupts your crafting time! Thanks for dropping by and wishing my little man a Happy Birthday!


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