Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Be warned:  This post is full of whinging.

This is me at the moment.

  1. Tomorrow I will have some men in my house boxing up all my stuff and then the next day they will come back and put it all in a truck and drive away with it,
  2. Defence Housing keep moving our move in date, and we still haven't heard from them in regards to our welcome visit,
  3. I came into the kitchen this morning to find the floor covered in water, I don't know where it came from because the usual suspect (the dishwasher) wasn't put on last night,
  4. I have run out of boxes and I will have to pack like a maniac tomorrow whilst trying to wrangle two smalls and direct the strange men,
  5. Soldier commented the other day that the preparations for his upcoming deployment are going better than the preparations for our move.  If you know anything about the Army, then you will know that is saying something,
  6. I am feeling guilty about throwing out so much food, but the movers won't move it and no-one else wants it,
  7. I have heaps of cleaning that needs to be done, and all I want to do is knit.
  8. I am sick of hearing myself whinge about all of the above, but I can't stop myself. 
  9. I will be without internet until we are in our new house and we can convince our provider that we need it.  So behave yourselves while I am away and I will see you on the flip side!



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