Sunday, October 11, 2009

Mini Sock Club Challenge

I have three pairs of socks on the needles at the moment, in various stages of completion.

Firstly, Twists and Ribs Socks by Lisa Rosen.

I have completed both cuffs and now have to start on the heel flap and turn.

Next up we have Green Goddess Socks by Nancy Whitman.

One sock is complete and I have two patterns repeats and the ribbing to go to finish them off.

Lastly, Sydney by Janice Kang.

One sock completed.

I am setting myself a new challenge for the rest of the year, seeing that I am not going to reach my original goal of twelve pairs.  I want to finish these socks by November 30th.  That would make nine pairs for the year.

Why November 30?  Because I have signed up for Knitabulous' Yarn Club which starts in December with some sock yarn and a surprise pattern.  I want to have these three pairs out of the way so I can cast on as soon as the postie leaves me a parcel!


Bells said...

I signed up too!

This is an excellent mini-challenge. I find setting dates for myself really helps!

Sarah said...

Yay for sock clubs! Sounds like a great incentive and those are lovely looking socks, especially Sydney

Sheridan said...

I know what you mean about wanting to finish what you are doing before the postie arrives with something from Ailsa!! That is my life at the moment! Because you know you are going to want to cast on straight away.


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