Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Finished Object: Green Goddess Socks

I finished the Green Goddess socks yesterday.  When I showed them to Soldier and asked him what he thought he looked at them and told me that "they looked the same".  "The same as what", I asked him.  "As each other".  Errr, isn't that the point??


PatternGreen Goddess by Nancy Whitman
YarnKnitabulous Softsock in Baby Chick
Needles:  80cm, 2.25mm Harmony Circular
Modifications:  Knit toe-up, basically just used the chart
Verdict:  Love, love, love!!!  I think I will knit them again with a right leaning increase instead of the yarn over.



Sheridan said...

Gorgeous, they look fantastic. Well done! But he's right you know, they DO look the same as each other...FREAKY!!! How do you do that? None of mine look the same as each other so far, LOL.

Bells said...

He didn't? Oh that's as funny as the numbers post!!

Great socks BTW, even if they are both the same he he

Sarah said...

The same and fantastic :)


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