Wednesday, October 7, 2009


We have been on a very short trip to Adelaide to witness one of Soldier's friends get married.

It was a beautiful wedding. Very small and lovely. The Bride has three children already and my favourite part of the ceremony was when the Groom gathered together his Bride and the three children and spoke to them. We don't know what was said, but it was a wonderful moment. I think not knowing what was said added to the wonder.

The kids behaved themselves. The Boy was asleep in the pram by eight o'clock, and Noo found a piano and curled up underneath and went to sleep about an hour later.

The entire weekend wasn't as nice though. We flew down on Friday and checked into the motel, and then the choas started. Let me just say that Friday and most of Saturday was filled with vomit and other things that you don't talk about in polite conversation. Everyone but Soldier was affected.
We were all nicely recovered for the wedding on Saturday night though.


Bells said...

oh don't you both look lovely!

that sounds like a very, very touching moment. You're right, not knowing is best.

And wow, all that sickness. Glad you all recovered in time!


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