Wednesday, April 14, 2010

I failed!

I have never been one that fails easily.  At school, I was rather competitive and had to do the very best.  Somethings did get the best of me (who needs Chemistry anyway?), and I didn't take it very well.  I would really love to tell you that I have overcome what I see as a personality flaw, but that would be lying.

So imagine my horror when I received a call from my Midwife - the wonderful and hilarious Deb - telling me that I had failed a test!  The Glucose Challenge Test to be specific.  I am really miffed, because I eat better and exercise more now than I did whilst pregnant with the other two smalls, and I also weigh a lot less.  I am now envisioning all the problems that gestational diabetes can bring.

So my punishment is that I will have to starve from 10pm on Thursday and then visit the midwife on Friday morning where I will not only have to drink that nasty glucose concoction again, but also have my blood stolen, not once, but three times. 

That'll teach me!

Silver lining? - I always look for one! - Soldier is taking Friday morning off work to stay with the smalls and I will get two or more hours of relative peace and a whole lot of knitting time!  Now to work out what to take with me.


Leonie said...

Who needs Chemistry?? That would be me :-)

As for the Glucose challenge and that appalling drink you soooo have my sympathies and I hope that Friday with the extra knitting time and the follow up test go well for you and it isn't all as bad as you think.

Taphophile said...

That is a bugger! Take something beautiful and affirming to knit - preferably something for you. :)

Unknown said...

Good luck! I hope you don't get the GD - I didn't think the drink was that bad actually. Not my choice of drink, but not completely disgusting.


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