Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Happy Easter

Happy Easter to you all.  Hope it was a good one, however you mark the occasion.

We started Sunday with a visit from the Easter Bunny and an egg hunt.  The kids had a ball and The Boy seemed to understand what was going on this year.  He was very good a snatching the eggs from under his sister's nose.

Yesterday I pulled out the sewing machine * and tried my hand at making a box that I can store my socks in progress in.  Things didn't turn out the way I wanted and they are a little small.  I can get a skein of yarn and the needles in there, but I have to really squish them to get the zip done up.  I am sure they will come in handy for something else, and I will try them again on a bigger scale.

* Well didn't get the machine out.  Soldier had to do it for me.  My ever expanding belly can no longer fit between the shelves under the stairs to reach it.


Unknown said...

That bag is gorgeous. And I was wondering if soldier was home when you were talking about your easter hunt, had to look at the tiny print to see that he was!

I'm glad pregnancy number three is going well - and how big is that little boy getting? It's a cliche but it's true - it goes too fast!

Ange Moore said...

That zip box is lovely - beautiful fabric!

And your house seems so familiar - we stayed at a friends place late last year in Melbourne (he's in the airforce) and the dining room looked a lot like your place! They were in Newport.


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