Sunday, September 13, 2009

new from old

I am supposed to be cleaning for a house inspection tomorrow, but instead I will show you what I was doing this afternoon when I was supposed to be cleaning for a house inspection tomorrow.

Noo has a lot of crayons. Lots and lots of broken crayons, that she wont use because, well, they are broken. So I sorted the broken crayons into
colour groups and put them in patty cases in an old muffin tin.

Then I put them in a 180 degree oven for about 10 minutes, or until they are melted. This is what they looked like when I pulled them out,

and after a little stir.

Then I let them cool down and little and threw them in the freezer.

Now Noo has crayons that she will use. Until she breaks one, that is!


Bells said...

Genius! They look fab!

Hope the inspection goes well!

Susanne said...

What a great idea. I'll have to remember this one for sure!


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