Thursday, April 23, 2009

This Week....

This week I have.....

  1. watched The Boy start to walk, learn to wave and say boo.
  2. had coffee with the wonderful Donna and her equally wonderful daughter Em.
  3. washed mountaines of laundry.
  4. not folded said laundry.
  5. enjoyed a lot of rain
  6. eaten too much chocolate.
  7. not looked forward to Soldier going away tomorrow.
  8. had Jack the dog to the vet twice.
  9. hardly worked on my sock.
  10. looked forward to Little Sister coming to visit.
  11. listened to Noo complain that she isn't old enough to go to school.


missfee said...

cute socks and what a great week of things done,

boo to The Boy too :)


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