Saturday, December 6, 2008

Kris Kringle

I have been a part of an online forum for expectant parents since I was about 6 weeks pregnant with The Boy. I have found it a wonderful source of support, laughter and advice. There has never been one cross word or nasty post in the entire time I have been part of the board. Unlike some of the other forums I read.

Our babies are all now six and seven months old and growing rapidly. The Boy is no exception. Out of about 70 expectant Mummies there are about 20 or so of us who are still posting and meeting up in our various cities around the country. We have decided to do a Kris Kringle for the bubbies, and I drew a gorgeous little girl.

I decided to make her a knitted caterpillar and a bib. The bib is a complete knock off of one I saw on a blog somewhere (sorry I don't know who) and loved. I really hope her Mum loves them.

Sometimes I am not sure how much people like handmade gifts. I know I love them, but others prefer to receive something that is store bought. I don't know the Mum, so I can't gauge what kinds of things she likes.

I wonder who drew The Boy!!


Nellie said...

Love you caterpiller! My sister just unearthed hers to give to my boy. Brown Millipede must be over 40 years old now and still going strong. Knitted toys just keep on spreading the joy. BTW - I was most impressed to learn your boy has learned to roll over. Mine still lays on his back like a big fat prince!

Nellie said...

PS - terrible spelling due to sleep deprivation. Sorry.


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