Saturday, August 23, 2008

Stuff n Nonsense

Well, I go home to the wonderful Soldier in a week. Home to cuddles, my kitchen, my bed, my stuff. I can't wait to go home and get some normalcy and routine back into my life, however I am really going to miss seeing my family on a day to day basis. As annoying as it can be to have to work around so many other people, I will miss them and all the help they have given me over the last five months. So sometimes I am really happy to be going home and others I am really sad. Drives me nuts.

I am packing up all our stuff, trying to fit it all into two large packing boxes (who am I trying to kid), and working out what stuff I can leave here. Can someone explain to me how the smallest member of my family has the biggest suitcase. I am also in a quandry over how many cloth nappies (I use these
, can't rave about them enough - might leave that for another post though.) I have to pack in the boxes and how many to take with me. There might be a lag of a few days to a week between when I get home and when the boxes will.

Noo will be happy to be in her own room and in her 'big bed' again, and The Boy has almost outgrown his cradle and will have to make the move to his cot when we get home. Not sure how I feel about that, but I will have to get over it. The Boy is growing up waaaaay too fast for my liking.

The Color Me is done and I am mostly happy with it. Pictures tomorrow (or the day after) when the batteries for the camera are charged and I get off my butt and take some. I decided not to do the lettering, because I didn't really like the way I crocheted them, nothing wrong with the pattern just me!! Might also have something to do with being too lazy too!! Hmmmm....



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