Monday, January 25, 2010

Me? A gardener?

I will be honest.  I do not have a green thumb, and I know nothing about gardening, but when we moved into our new house I was very excited to find that the previous tenants did.

They had planted cherry tomatoes, strawberries and capsicums, as well as some rosemary and flat leaf parsley.  

Jack the Lab got all of the strawberries before they were ripe and we are having a hard time keeping him out of the tomatoes.  We did manage to rescue a few and we had them in our tacos for dinner tonight.  They were really good.

The tomato plant was going crazy and it wasn't staked, so we ventured out intending to get some stakes to keep them off the ground and ended up getting much more.

We bought a little fence that will hopefully keep Jack out,

a chilli plant,

some basil, corriander and some spring onions.

I really have no idea about growing vegies, but I think if I water them regularly and try and keep the creepy crawlies off them we might be successful.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Baby Socks

Just after we found out that Three was on his or her way I cast on for these teeny little socks.  I used some leftover yarn from my Green Goddess Socks.

I am really worried that they are going to be too small.  Newborn babies have enourmous feet in my experience.  Guess I will just have to wait until the end of June to find out.

Sorry about the crappy photo, I still can't find the battery charger for the camera and had to use my phone.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

An Update

  1. We had a wonderful Christmas.  We spent it in North Queensland with my parents and siblings.  A lovely low key day, with spoiled children, wonderful food, lots of air conditioning and even an afternoon nap.  New Years was a laid back day too.  
  2. Soldier is home, and back at work already. 
  3. I cannot find the battery charger for the camera, so I have been using my iPhone with limited success.
  4. I have finished three items for Three and I have another that is almost ready to be off the needles.  Then I am going to knit something for myself.  
  5. Noo will start kindy in a couple of weeks, if we can find her a place.  Every kindy in our council area has been full since June last year!  That is before we even knew where we were being posted to.  I will be enrolling The Boy in March for the 2012 year, he won't even be two.  Crazy isn't it, having to enroll him in four year old kindy before he is even two.
  6. I am still in denial that I have a child who is old enough for four-year old kindy.
  7. I am also in denial about my expanding waist-line.  I still think it is from eating too many doughnuts and not from the little person who currently resides in there.  
  8. I am waiting for the groceries to be delivered so I can make banana muffins with Noo.
  9. I have started taking a photo a day and uploading it flickr.  The flickr app on my iPhone makes it a breeze.  
  10. I am going to find the battery charger so I can post some photos next time.  Posts without photos are so boring (to me anyway).


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