Friday, July 18, 2008

Things I am Loving

I have seen a few bloggers post about the things they are loving at the moment and I thought that I might join them. Perhaps I could make it a regular thing too. So without further ado, these are the things I am loving at the moment.

  1. The smell of my The Boy. Is there anything better than the smell of a newborn. Especially after a bath.
  2. Noo's use of the English language. She is stringing sentences together faster than I can even believe. Her sentence structure is just blowing me away at the moment.
  3. My new mobile phone. A LG Viewty. Touch screen, 5mp camera, need I say more?
  4. The sun on my face as I hang the nappies on the line early in the morning.
  5. Finding a dear friend that I lost contact with about 10 years ago. I am looking forward to catching up on all those missed years.

There has been little action on the Color Me, I have been sidetracked with knitting a sock for my new phone. I would like to have it finished by the end of August, (the blanket not the sock) when the recipient is due to be born. Best get to it then.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

I have found Ravelry!!

I finally got off my butt and signed up with Ravelry. I can't believe it took me so long!! I am really enjoying looking at everyone's projects and reading all the tips and tricks. I particularly like that you can look at others finished objects to see what they look like 'in the real world' and not just the professionally photographed, professionally crafted items you see in the patterns. It gives me the confidence in some instances to try something that I would have thought was too difficult or above my skill level. It also helps to pull me out of my comfort zone and stretch my abilities, thus learning new skills.

There are so many talented people out there, and some really wonderful projects to try. I really like that there are so many free patterns as well. I can get my crafty fix without breaking the bank - we all know how expensive patterns and yarn can be.

You will find me at Ravelry as HoneyBeeMine.

Finally an update on the colour me blanket......I have finished the second crayon (a blue one) and I am now working on the yellow one. There are a million ends to weave in, and that is driving me crazy. Other than that I am still enamoured with the blanket and I am hoping the recipient is too.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Blog Silence

I have moved!! I am currently living with my Parents in North Queensland because my Soldier had to go to Melbourne for a course with the Army. The course is six months long and he is now four months into it. Only two months to go. So with him in Melbourne and me 32 weeks pregnant and staring down the barrel of having to give birth to The Boy on my own with no-one to look after Noo, we thought it would be a great idea to move north.

The Boy was born on my Dad's birthday, much to my disgust as it is the only day that I didn't want to have him. I am a firm believer in that everyone should have their own birthday. My Dad loves the idea though. The Boy was delivered on the 22 May after an incredibly fast 50 minute labour. Everything went well and we are enjoying our wonderful new addition.

I guess between moving north and having a baby there isn't a lot of time for blogging or crafting. Now that we have settled into somewhat of a Routine with The Boy, there has been some activity on the crafting front.

My cousin and his wife are about to welcome their second child so I have been working on a the Color Me blanket for the little tyke. I have finished the red crayon and I am working on the blue one. I am exceeding pleased with the texture of the fabric. The pattern calls for a 5mm hook but I didn't have one so I pulled out my 4mm and I really like the way it is working up.

I have to get cracking on it because I have less than 8 weeks to finish it. That may sound like a long time, but with a six week old and a very jealous two year old to contend with, finding time to work on it is quite difficult.


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